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Home/ Art prints / "Did you clap for the NHS?" Giclee Art Print

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Did you clap for the NHS – acrylic on canvas 41 x51 cm, Private Collection

Available as a Limited Edition art print

Painted as part of covid diaries collection this painting reflects the heart of the NHS pumping away to save the nation, as covid took hold. For me clapping was the only real interaction I had with other human beings during the first wave as my partner was in the hospital with Covid just before the first lockdown, this was a very emotional time for me. This vibrant deep red heart on a black background is a symbol of the British people’s love for the National health service created in 1948, which meant that everyone got to see a doctor.

I remember my Great Aunt who was disabled telling me her Mum had to pay half a crown, to see a doctor when she was a child. To me the NHS, for which I pay national insurance is not free, it’s a humanitarian tax we pay to ensure we and our families can get treatment if needed no matter what it is for. Having family in the USA, I have experienced the devastating effects of life without health care and it’s cruel, people die well before time.

Don’t let any government take the heart out of the UK, I love the NHS, did you clap?  


"Did you clap for the NHS?" Giclee Art Print

Product details

Did you clap for the NHS – acrylic on canvas 41 x51 cm, Private Collection

Available as a Limited Edition art print

Painted as part of covid diaries collection this painting reflects the heart of the NHS pumping away to save the nation, as covid took hold. For me clapping was the only real interaction I had with other human beings during the first wave as my partner was in the hospital with Covid just before the first lockdown, this was a very emotional time for me. This vibrant deep red heart on a black background is a symbol of the British people’s love for the National health service created in 1948, which meant that everyone got to see a doctor.

I remember my Great Aunt who was disabled telling me her Mum had to pay half a crown, to see a doctor when she was a child. To me the NHS, for which I pay national insurance is not free, it’s a humanitarian tax we pay to ensure we and our families can get treatment if needed no matter what it is for. Having family in the USA, I have experienced the devastating effects of life without health care and it’s cruel, people die well before time.

Don’t let any government take the heart out of the UK, I love the NHS, did you clap?  


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© 2023, Michelle Baharier